IPG Media Lab

New tool prevents drunk emailing

Late night email (Deeger/Flickr)Breaking up is no different than it was twenty years ago—it is painful and discombobulating. Now after “the talk” and both parties going their own way, you can continue the unsaid words via email. And often it’s after drinking a few glasses of wine. Even if you spell check, it won’t do you any good. The worst part is, the next morning rife with mortification, there is nothing you can do about it. Believe me, I did it after a long relationship crashed this past May. I wish Gmail had come up with their latest invention sooner. I wouldn’t have lost my pride along the way.

Google’s Gmail has a new feature called Mail Goggles that could be a tremendously helpful tool. When you enable Mail Goggles it checks to determine if you really want to send that late night email. You must solve a few easy math questions in 43 seconds or less after you click “send.” See a screenshot after the jump.









It’s a very smart solution and only activates on weekend nights when you’re most likely to need such a warning. Once enabled you can adjust when it’s active in the general settings. Hopefully you’re not too drunk to do that.

Now that I’m hopeful for a new love in my life, perhaps this feature will stop me from embarrassing myself in the future. Or worse, finally letting my boss know how I feel about not getting the raise I deserve via late night email…

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