IPG Media Lab

Vimeo Announces “Looks” For Its Enhancer Toolbox

Video sharing company Vimeo has added “Looks” to its Enhancer Toolbox in an attempt to stay current with the filters trend pioneered by Instagram. Looks has the potential to add over 500 visual effects filters to any video project, right in the web browser, and you can preview the video in realtime to see the effect. The Looks app was developed in conjunction with Vivoom and is organized by mood category; this is perhaps the most useful feature of Looks, and makes it very simple for amateur film-makers to sort through the overwhelming number of options. So although until this point Vimeo has maintained its image as the “artsy youtube,” with many complete films replete with post-production, Looks seems like an attempt to bring users into the fold who might not have access to the hollywood-style after effects that take a video or film to the next level. 

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