IPG Media Lab

Event Recap: Mobile World Congress, Day 3

Today is the last day of Mobile World Congress and despite the madness of 90,000+ attendees, 18,000+ exhibitors, and one massive taxi line, IPG Media Lab scoured the event one last time to find a few hidden gems. (In case you missed it, catch up on Day 1 and Day 2 coverage.)

EVA, an AI virtual assistant, combines facial coding and emotion tracking technology to provide personalized information and recommendations.
Huawei CarFi turns your car’s 12 volt power outlet into a 4G LTE hotspot.
This Chinese company showed us their unique process of molding and designing aftermarket phone cases using a heat vac.
SK Telecom showcased a 5G-connected robot mirroring human movement without latency thanks to the use of a sensor-emitting exoskeleton.
Korea Telecom demonstrated their personalized digital signage ads based on user affinities. Mobile users opt-in by setting their preferences through an app, and the ads are served through LTE.
HZO was running TVs and computers with electronic chips that were submerged in water.
SlimPort demonstrated their gaming port, which enables gamers to move the mobile gaming experience to the 1st screen (in 4K with latency!)
Good bye from Barcelona!

Thanks for following our coverage from Mobile World Congress! Look for a recap from the Lab coming soon.


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