In 2008 I talked about in-car technology as becoming less utilitarian and more about the car as a content platform of tomorrow. And why not, cars and trucks increasingly share information with other platforms (RFID sensors, tolls, central tracking systems, etc.). For 2009, I am curious how this in-car technology and the growing digital ecosystem could actually help improve one’s quality of life, beyond just getting to your destination.
We know that cell phones and cars are increasingly being delivered to the end user with GPS capability (in-car GPS, Personal Navigation Devices, or Pedestrian Navigation Devices). We know that this GPS capability can allow people to see where you are. We also know that it is possible to cross reference where you are specifically to what is around you. Whether this technology is actually deployed is unclear. This ability to locate and cross reference will increase as more and more locations look to formalize their location in the GPS universe.
So what am I getting at here? Continue reading “In-car technology could change our lives”