Facebook Adds New Customer Service Tools To Pages

What Happened
In its ongoing quest to boost social commerce on its platform, Facebook has unveiled some new customer-service tools for Pages to help businesses better communicate and connect with their customers. Page-owners can now set away messages, annotate private messages, and get public badges to certify how quick they usually respond to a customer’s inquiry. According to Facebook, there are currently 50 million Pages run by businesses, and 2.5 billion comments are posted on those Pages every month.

What Brands Need To Do
These new tools reinforce Facebook’s determination in making Pages and its messaging feature more brand friendly, giving brands more incentives to use Pages as a social touch-point. Brands with an established Facebook presence should learn to adopt these new communications tools to offer better customer service.

Source: AdWeek

How Brands Can Make Use Of Tumblr’s New Messaging Feature

What Happened
Without much fanfare, Tumblr has rolled out a crucial feature that has been missing from its platform – private instant messaging. The microblogging platform has long offered an inbox feature for its users to ask and answer each other’s questions, but now it supports threaded one-on-one messaging as well. This new feature is available in Tumblr’s mobile apps on iOS and Android, as well as its desktop website.

What Brands Need To Do
Tumblr has been growing its platform as a content and social marketing channel following Yahoo’s billion-dollar acquisition in 2013, and some brands have gotten on board. Nescafé, for instance, opted to move its traditional website to Tumblr in hopes of “building stronger relationships with younger consumers” earlier this year. The existing Ask Inbox feature on Tumblr works great for repurposing those Q&As as user-generated branded content, and the addition of a messaging feature can help facilitate deeper communication between users and brands. For brands on Tumblr, this new chat tool should come in handy for customer relationship management.


Source: The Verge

Facebook Tests New Feature To Facilitate Customer-Business Contact

Read original story on: TechCrunch

As a follow-up to its initiative to get consumers to communicate directly with businesses on its Messenger app, Facebook is now testing a new feature called “Saved Replies,” which will allow brand Page owners to use customizable canned messages when communicating with their customers over Facebook.

While this new feature could certainly help handling large volume of customer requests, brands also need to be mindful of its implementation so as not to appear robotic and perfunctory. This is only the latest in Facebook’s considerable efforts to make its platforms more brand-friendly, and we expect more useful features to pop up.

Amazon Issues Refunds For Bad Streaming

Many online business models make timely customer service problematic. When something goes wrong, often the only person reacting to it is the customer.  Amazon is advancing this model in its video streaming service by enabling automated refunds to customers who have received less than ideal service due to a problem on Amazon’s end.  The systems developed by the distribution giant automatically detect situations sub-par service instances affecting user experience, and issue refunds.  This model is more expensive, but CEO Jeff Bezos notices that it “surprises, delights, and earns trust,” which may be more valuable in the long run than the small amount the company may refund.

Social media is the new customer service


Social media is transforming the way brands think about customer service. Prior to social media, the risk of providing poor customer service was minor. One customer complaint would have been heard by few others. Today, every single service incident has the potential to become a public relations debacle. Every customer now has a megaphone to express disdain.

There are multiple incidents that illustrate how important social media has become to keeping customers happy: The Comcast technician asleep on a couch YouTube video, and the JetBlue public relations nightmare after planes were stuck on the tarmac for hours, to name just a couple. Brands have taken notice and are beginning to be more proactive in the social media and customer service arena. Continue reading “Social media is the new customer service”