A recent comScore report on the Hispanic Internet market found that the online Hispanic population reached a record 20.3 million visitors in February 2009 – representing 11% of the total U.S. online market. Furthermore, among online activities, Hispanics ranked highest on Community (Teens); Gaming; Entertainment (Radio and Multimedia); Discussion/Chat, IM; and Music.
These findings should be of keen interest to US marketers, and (as all research findings), raise a couple of questions.
Why does the Hispanic market spend so much time online?
The answer to that question is two-fold. Hispanics, by nature, are an interdependent-interconnected culture – which is why we see them over-index on connected media (e.g. cell phone usage, social networking, blogging, etc.). Any technology that facilitates connecting is high-value for the Hispanic consumer. Continue reading “Online Hispanics are a lucrative target”