Three reasons Android could terminate Apple

Best blogs of 2009 The smartphone market seems to be shoe-in: Apple has got momentum in the space reminiscent of their takeover of the MP3 player market years prior with the iPod. Despite this momentum, the discerning media planner working on mobile for six months out should take note – Google’s Android is poised to crash Apple’s party.

Android Clones: While the iPhone had Chinese imitation devices, Android will literally have a clone army. The open source system will live on a handful of devices by the end of this year, and dozens of devices by the end of 2010. So while the system seemed to languish when the only Android device was the G1, with phones like the HTC Hero and myTouch 3G, Android will traverse carrier networks and handset manufactures. Continue reading “Three reasons Android could terminate Apple”

$100 Per Download: The eBay iPhone Story

$100 per download: The eBay iPhone story What’s the value of an iPhone app download for a brand? The answer varies wildly. For eBay, the value was nearly $100 in sales per download. According to an article in the Financial Times, eBay’s iPhone app has seen over $400 million in sales to date, from just over 4.6 million downloads. To be precise, that came out to $89.95 in sales per download – but the year end (and holiday season) hasn’t yet come.

With numbers like those, one must wonder what kind of ROI Amazon is seeing with their iPhone app. But more than anything, this news points to two key ideas: Mobile commerce is the here and now, and the mobile divide keeps getting wider. Continue reading “$100 Per Download: The eBay iPhone Story”

Can new Palm Pre compete with iPhone?

Palm Pre at CES (Josh Lovison)It is a classic tale.  A once great legend, now down and out, falls for the quirky girl who no one really notices, and with her support, stages a final comeback.  No, I’m not talking about a new Hollywood release.  I’m talking about Palm’s new smartphone and Sprint.

The Palm “Pre” is the newest smartphone from the company that was one of the pioneers of the PDA age.  The handset is initially an exclusive release on the Sprint network, known more for its economical pricing than its sexy handset lineup. Continue reading “Can new Palm Pre compete with iPhone?”