From ‘Like’ to Love: How Brands Can Woo Users on Messaging and Dating Apps

How can brands connect with dating app users?

Where audiences go, brands follow, especially when those audiences are young and hard to find on traditional media. As a result, several brands are experimenting with the best ways to reach people on messaging apps. As seen in the report, the combination of brands, messaging, and dating is creating some unusual results, as seen in the following examples.

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Tinder Sparks a Match With USA Networks

Tinder, the wildly popular “hot or not” flirting app for iOS, has expanded to Android, and marketers are beginning to take notice.  The service has offered 100 million matches, and is currently offering 1.5 million daily.  Most matches are made between members of the crucial, and elusive, young adult demographic. USA Network recently tied the app with the season 3 premier of “Suits,” adding characters from the show as matches. If a user likes one of these profiles, they will receive access to exclusive content, and potentially some flirting with the character.  Both parties insist there was no money exchanged in this partnership, but it is certain similar opportunities will be pursued when Tinder finally decides to take on revenue from marketers.