Attentiveness & Receptivity: The New Frontier In Ad Measurement

Download the report here.

The Lab teamed up with YuMe to explore a new measurement frontier: Attentiveness & Receptivity.

Moving beyond reach & frequency, 10,000+ respondent study examines how to identify attentive and receptive audiences. The objective of this research was to deconstruct the indicators of receptivity and determine if they differ by industry vertical.

Receptivity, defined as the willingness to receive a message from a brand before exposure to an ad (passive) and Attention, an active behavior of noticing an ad (active) are the patterns in which consumers interact with advertising. How open are consumers to stimuli (an ad) and how much attention are they giving to the stimuli and to what degree?

Simultaneously, the research sought to conduct attention measurement to test the output of receptivity and establish to what degree attention and receptivity drive brand metrics. From this, marketers can identify appropriate targeting indicators and apply findings to better understand and define an attentive audience.

To learn more about this joint study, download the report here.



Online video ads get more attention

YuMe and IPG Media Lab, recently partnered on a research project to track relative attention level to video advertising in a lean forward PC experience vs. a lean back TV experience.  Specifically, we wanted to know:

  1. Do people pay attention to online video differently than they do when watching TV?
  2. If people have the option of avoiding advertising, will they, and how does it differ?
  3. If the experiences of watching TV and Online Video are different, should an online ad impression be valued the same way that TV ads are?

Continue reading “Online video ads get more attention”