Brand Tweets To Appear In Desktop Google Search Results, Too

What Happened
Three months after incorporating tweets on search results for US users on mobile devices, Google has finally incorporated tweets into its search results on the desktop as well. Tweets from certified and active brand accounts are now showing up in a “carousel unit” fairly high on the first page of relevant search results, but reportedly there’s no advertising component to this new feature yet. Nevertheless, Twitter is best at real-time content, and Google stands to improve its search results by adding some borrowed timeliness to keep its results fresh.

What Brands Can Do
This move will no doubt further help expand the reach of branded tweets, and if your brand hasn’t been active on social media channels, now isthe time to get the self-serve PR machine started. With the recent rise of social commerce, complete with “buy buttons,” such incorporation also shows potential for extending such ecommerce opportunities into new digital contexts, something that all retail brands should explore.


Source: Marketing Land